
The Great Escape

"What do you keep in there?" ... "This shed? This is where we normally keep the pig"

This is funny story. The four boys cut the chane of gate. A lot of animals escaped. The street was crowded. None couldn't captured one osrtich. The four boys were chased by the ostrich, and they ran into a pig coat.

murmur: 低い声でささやく
mock: あざける、ばかにする
crowbar: かなてこ、バール
Sneer: あざ笑う、冷笑する、せせら笑う
tuck: 包み込む、くるむ
cuddle: 抱き締める、抱いてかわいがる
moan: うめき声を出す、不平を言う
padlock: 南京錠
tug: 強く引く、引っ張る
hen: めんどり
snort: 鼻息をたてる、鼻を鳴らす
bleat: (羊、ヤギ、子牛などが)鳴く
ostrich: ダチョウ
gallop: 全速力で走る、急いでいく
fierce: 獰猛な、残忍な
beak: くちばし
lad: 少年、若者
glint: きらきら光る、きらめく

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