This story is the series of magical key. Biff and Chip went to adventure with wearing the cap which is free gift. The magic key took them to Holloand. Then, they met a boy. He was carrying some large round cheese. The boy and Biff and Chip went the way with the boy's cart. On the way, a man who had a chees. He was very strange. Therefore, Biff and Chip followed his, and found that the man stole the diamond. They told that to Trudy's father. Finally, the thief was tied to the windmill.
dyke: 堤防、土手
rage: 激怒、激怒する、叱り飛ばす
groan: うめく、うなる、不平を言う
phew: ふぅ(安堵感、疲れ、息切れを示す)、うわあ、ひゃあ、へえっ(不快、驚きを示す)
spout: を吹き出す、噴出する
leak: 漏れ口、漏れている液体、もれ
flood: 洪水、大水
213 words
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