
Buzz sees the Difference

""We'd better get out of here. That bomb is set to go off in ten minutes," said one of the representatives. "Okay, let's go," laughed the other."

This is alien's story. One day, there was a conference of alien. Then, Buzz heard someone said that the bomb was set to go off in ten minutes. Buzz froze. He announced other aliens. They panicked. Everyone escaped from the place. Finally, everyone escaped death.

conference: 会議、協議会
sir: (目上の人、店の客、見知らぬ人に)あなたさま、だんな
spaceship: 宇宙船
hiss: シーッと言う、シューと音を出す
hideous: 恐ろしい、ぞっとする、ひどく醜い
tumble: 転がる、転げる
within: 以内、内、中
stampede: 駆け込み、駆け込む
brick: レンガ、積み木

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