Kipper was took an adventure by the magical key. He arrived at the world of gray color which was like an old film. The adventure was so boring. He came back from there, but he was something wrong. He was gray, his face, body and clothes. Whatever he did, his color didn't come back. Finally, he apologized to magical key, so his color came back.
naughty: いたずらな、わんぱくな
silly: ばかな、愚かな、ばかばかしい
bang: 、、、をドシン[バタン、ドンドン]とたたく[打つ]、をぶつける
crossly: 不機嫌に、すねて、意地悪く
fault: 責任、罪
spook: 幽霊、おばけ;精霊
frown: しかめつらをする、まゆを寄せる
nasty: 不快な、いやな
204 words
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