Yesterday, I went to welcome party of photo club. This time was first party. I therefore, I was very excited. Photo club, there are a lot of friends, so I took many pictures with them. My friend was to get drunk, and be high tension. She shouted and struggled. She was so funny. I enjoyed welcome party yesterday. I'm happy to be able to go the party.
67 words
▮ lower back pain
Recently, I have lower back pain. The reason that is, maybe, my part time job and classic ballet. When I work my part time job. I have to carry a lot of heavy luggages. For example, it is milk bottles pet foods and washing materials. Also, I have to keep standing to work as a cashier. When I dance classic ballet, rising my legs that is hard on my lower back. Now, I have a pain just sitting, so I want to know how to cure the lower back pain. Please tell me that.
94 words
94 words
Someday, I want to go to Disneyland, and want to see the projection mapping. This morning I saw the news about projection mapping of Disneyland. It was so fantastic. I want to move my feel. If I go there with my boy friend, I would be happyer.
47 words
47 words
The Angriest Man in Brooklyn, and other matters…
I write about the movie "rain sometimes meat ball". Recently, I watched it on my cell phone. The story is so funny. One scientist made a special machine. it made a lot of foods. Then, the machine rain those food. At first, many people was so happy because they can eat those food without fee. However, the machine broke in the crowd. Too big foods began to rain.
68 words/ 6112 words
68 words/ 6112 words
Last weekend 2
Last saturday, I was very sleepy. I got up at eight, but I slept after that soon. I got up again at ten, and I started doing my homework, typing, English central, writing about food in Kyusyu, and book reviews. I studied till eleven o'clock. After that, I ate lunch. Then, I started my homework again. However, I became sleep in five minutes.
63 words
My homework
This week, I have a lot of homework more than usual. For example, English central, power words, survey of speaking class, book reviews, blog about food in Kyushu, and report about the movie which I watched at Ms. Mukai's class. It is so hard for me. The reason that is I don't have much time. Especially, the report is too difficult. I have to write the report in Japanese, but I usually write it in English. I forget how to write reports in Japanese.
84 words/ 5976 words
84 words/ 5976 words
Food in Kyushu (essay)
Kyushu is one of the Japan island. Kyushu
is include Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Saga, Oita, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima and
Okinawa. These prefectures have famous foods.
First, I introduce yoriyori. It is hard
sweet in Nagasaki. It is miner, but the taste is good. I like it.
Next, Shirokuma is famous ice in Kagoshima.
Its topping is various. That condensed milk taste is very good.
Finally, There are many famous food in
Okinawa. Sokisoba is like udon. Taco-rice is like a Tacose.
The above are just a few of the foods that
you can find in Kyushu. In Kyushu, there are more famous foods. If you want to
eat them, you go to these prefectures and try to eat a lot of foods. Maybe, you
can find a lot of foods you like.
113 words
Last weekend
Last saturday, I was very sleepy. I got up at eight, but I slept after that soon. I got up again at ten, and I started doing my homework, typing, English central, writing about food in Kyusyu, and book reviews. I studied till eleven o'clock. After that, I ate lunch. Then, I started my homework again. However, I became sleep in five minutes.
63 words/ 5405 words
63 words/ 5405 words
Buzz sees the Difference

This is alien's story. One day, there was a conference of alien. Then, Buzz heard someone said that the bomb was set to go off in ten minutes. Buzz froze. He announced other aliens. They panicked. Everyone escaped from the place. Finally, everyone escaped death.
conference: 会議、協議会
sir: (目上の人、店の客、見知らぬ人に)あなたさま、だんな
spaceship: 宇宙船
hiss: シーッと言う、シューと音を出す
hideous: 恐ろしい、ぞっとする、ひどく醜い
tumble: 転がる、転げる
within: 以内、内、中
stampede: 駆け込み、駆け込む
brick: レンガ、積み木
176 words/ 5342 words
The Great Escape

This is funny story. The four boys cut the chane of gate. A lot of animals escaped. The street was crowded. None couldn't captured one osrtich. The four boys were chased by the ostrich, and they ran into a pig coat.
murmur: 低い声でささやく
mock: あざける、ばかにする
crowbar: かなてこ、バール
Sneer: あざ笑う、冷笑する、せせら笑う
tuck: 包み込む、くるむ
cuddle: 抱き締める、抱いてかわいがる
moan: うめき声を出す、不平を言う
padlock: 南京錠
tug: 強く引く、引っ張る
hen: めんどり
snort: 鼻息をたてる、鼻を鳴らす
bleat: (羊、ヤギ、子牛などが)鳴く
ostrich: ダチョウ
ostrich: ダチョウ
gallop: 全速力で走る、急いでいく
fierce: 獰猛な、残忍な
beak: くちばし
lad: 少年、若者
glint: きらきら光る、きらめく
words/5166 words
fierce: 獰猛な、残忍な
beak: くちばし
lad: 少年、若者
glint: きらきら光る、きらめく
words/5166 words
Yesterday lesson of classic ballet.
Yesterday, I had a classic ballet lesson from 14:30. I was wake
up at 10:30. Then, I remember to buy the heel cover because I used the lesson.
I prepared to go out at 11:30 in a flurry. I went to the shop Sylvia which is a
specialist shop of ballet in Tsuruya. However, the cover was sold out.
Therefore, I went to another specialist shop “Chacotto” Unfortunately, the
cover was also sold out, but there were similar goods. Therefore, I bought it.
After that I went back to Ozu and went the lesson. A gest came there, I danced seven hours. The lesson was finished at nine thirty p.m.. Therefore, I was very tired. As soon as I arrived at my house, I was sleepy. I ate a little meal, and bathed, and sleep. I spent so hard national holiday.
141 words/4929 words
How I study English
I study
English to read English book. Also, I read words book, and write the words
every night. When I want to practice speaking, I often go to English lounge. I
speak in English with students studying abroad. Recently, I practice English
pronunciation with the English central. I enjoy studying English.
My other classes
favorite class is psychology. Mr. Kawazoe is fun. His class is always interesting.
I do a lot of workshop. I laugh every time because Mr. Kawazoe says him story.
Also, I like Ms. Mukai's class. I think her class is beneficial. Her teaching
has persuasive I watch the movie in her class. The title of movie is
"The last of the Mohicans.
Food in Kyushu 3
I will tell you about food in Okinawa. For example, it is sokisoba and taco rice. Sokisoba is a kind of noodles. It is traditional food in Okinawa. It is like a udon, and the taste is light. There is a topping, soki which is pork. It is tender and delicious. The main ingredient of taco rice is same that one of tacos. The difference is rice. The dish use rice without using tortillas. The taste is spicy and a little hot. Tomato is good accent. The sourness is been light the taste of dish. Please eat these dish. I think you like it.
104 words
104 words
Food in Kyusyu 2
I introduce about shirokuma which is a famous food in Kagoshima. It is sweets. It's kind of shaved ice. There are a lot of topping. For example, it is ice cream, adzuki beans and tropical fruits. There are these topping in the shaved ice. Its taste condensed milk. I like it. It is large in quality. The shape is like a mountain. Now, we can buy it, because it is bought at convenience store. There is two types. It is shaved ice type and ice cream type. Both types taste is very good. Therefore, I want you to try it.
100 words
100 words
Food in Kyusyu 1
Have you ever eaten yoriyori ? It is famouse food in Nagasaki. It is a sweets twisted. It is so hard. Maybe, old persons cannot eat it. Its taste is simple andslightly sweet. The taste is similar to jersey milk small sugr-coated stick. Someone may say that famous food in Nagasaki is champon, kasutera or sasebo burger. However, I think that yoriyori is also one of the good famouse food in Nagasaki. I want people to know about yoriyori, and want to try eating it.
85 words
85 words
Food in Kumamoto
Kumamoto has a lot of famous local specialty. It is taipi-en, dagojiru, ikinaridanngo, basashi, and other thing. I love these foods. Especially, I like dagojiru. It is miso taste soup. There are a lot of main ingredient in the soup. For example, it is Japanese radishes, carrots, taros, great burdock. The most important main ingredient is danndo which was made of wheat.
62 words
62 words
My golden week
My golden week was so busy because I have my part time job every day. Also, I had a lot of my homework. I got up at seven and ate breakfast. After that, I started to do my homework, blog, English central, book review or power words. I did them until noon, and I ate lunch. I started my homework again.
61 words
61 words
Dutch Adventure

This story is the series of magical key. Biff and Chip went to adventure with wearing the cap which is free gift. The magic key took them to Holloand. Then, they met a boy. He was carrying some large round cheese. The boy and Biff and Chip went the way with the boy's cart. On the way, a man who had a chees. He was very strange. Therefore, Biff and Chip followed his, and found that the man stole the diamond. They told that to Trudy's father. Finally, the thief was tied to the windmill.
dyke: 堤防、土手
rage: 激怒、激怒する、叱り飛ばす
groan: うめく、うなる、不平を言う
phew: ふぅ(安堵感、疲れ、息切れを示す)、うわあ、ひゃあ、へえっ(不快、驚きを示す)
spout: を吹き出す、噴出する
leak: 漏れ口、漏れている液体、もれ
flood: 洪水、大水
213 words
Mouse Soup
"Mouse soup must be mixed with stories to make it taste really good."
There are four stories in this book. The mouse told weasel four stories. Also, he said weasel to bring things which appeared these stories, the bees, some mud, two large stones, ten crickets, and a thorn bush. Therefore, weasel was stung by bees. Two was too heavy. The thorn bush pricked him. He had trouble gathering these things. Meanwhile the mouse slipped away.
weasel: イタチ、テン

weasel: イタチ、テン
whisker: ほおひげ、ひげ
nest: 巣、巣穴
swamp: 沼地、湿地
chin: 下あご、あご先
cricket: こおろぎ
chirp: ちーっちーっとさえずる、チュンチュンとなく
thorn: とげ、いばら
bush: 灌木、低木
gooey: ねばねばした、べたべたした
prick: ちくりと刺す
171 words
cricket: こおろぎ
chirp: ちーっちーっとさえずる、チュンチュンとなく
thorn: とげ、いばら
bush: 灌木、低木
gooey: ねばねばした、べたべたした
prick: ちくりと刺す
171 words
Golden week plan
Golden week plan was that I work my part time job and go to my ballet school.
If I have more time, I will go to dinner with my boyfriend. I wanted to plan
a trip for outside. I wanted to go to Nagasaki, and I want to eat
nagasakityannponn and yoriyori, kasutera. Also, I wanted to see the
meganebashi and to make stained glass.
I like to eat yogurt. Especially, "Bulugaria yogurt plane taste" is
very good. It is simple and the sweet is just. I eat it every day. My
favorite food is sweets which is green tea taste. It is a little bitter and
sweet, I love it. When I high school student, I was given those sweets,
because the day was my birthday. I was very happy.
My part time job
Today, my friend called me after a long time, because he want to work the place where I work. I was very surprise and happy. The reason that is worker is few. We are hard to work. Moreover, a man is going to leave there. I want more worker, and I want to rise wages.
55 words
55 words
I want to buy clothes
Recently, I don't buy the clothes, because I don't have enough money and time. I go to ballet school, so I spend on much money for the wear and monthly fees. Also, I must buy a train pass. As a result, I don't have money. I want the clothes. I haven't bought for six months.
55 words
55 words
I like to study English. Recently, I study about English speaking with English central. I got more than ten thousands points. Therefore, I become to want getting more points. I enjoy studying speaking more and more. I want to gat more points and to be good English speaker.
48 words
48 words
I was angry.
I was very angry, because my friend said to me "you say nothing" each time I said. I want not to say anything him after this.
26 words
26 words
Last day
Today is last Golden Week. I work up at eight. I studied power words in this morning, and watched "Gochisousann" which is drama serial in the morning. After that, I relaxed a little time, so I was happy to spend such times. I had my ballet lesson from one p.m. to four p.m., so I prepared the wear, and went to the studio. I danced there. My teacher said me that I got little weight. Therefore, I felt shock. I have to diet. After the lesson, I saw my boyfriend. I had promised eating dinner together. I'm going to go to restaurant with him. I enjoy my Golden Week.
109 words
109 words
Children's day
Yesterday, May 5, was the day for children. Therefore, a lot of mother bought many snacks for them children. Also, they bought many dish and hors d'oeuvre to eat for dinner. I was very hungry, so I wanted to eat there during my part time jobs. I felt envious children. I wanted to return my childhoot.
56 words
56 words
My golden week
In the golden week, I worked my part time job and went to my classic ballet school. Therefore, I was very tired. I wanted the break time. I wanted a lot of time to shopping, to date and to do my homework. I understand well how to use the English central. Therefore, I couldn't get ten thousands points. I thought I will take a lot of time to get such a point. I try to do that. Also, I want to finish the power words until unit 20. Someone, please give me a lot of time!
96 words
96 words
I worked my part time job in KKR Hotel. I was very tired because I worked about seven hours. I served dishes during the wedding reception. I worked there with my friend. Also, I happen to meet my classic ballet friend and two friends of the KGU. Therefore, I was glad very much. I thought that if I worked with a lot of friends, I would enjoy it. After that, I could date with my boyfriend after a long time. I just ate Chinese noodle, but I enjoyed very much. I want to see him more.
96 words
96 words
Key Trouble

Kipper was took an adventure by the magical key. He arrived at the world of gray color which was like an old film. The adventure was so boring. He came back from there, but he was something wrong. He was gray, his face, body and clothes. Whatever he did, his color didn't come back. Finally, he apologized to magical key, so his color came back.
naughty: いたずらな、わんぱくな
silly: ばかな、愚かな、ばかばかしい
bang: 、、、をドシン[バタン、ドンドン]とたたく[打つ]、をぶつける
crossly: 不機嫌に、すねて、意地悪く
fault: 責任、罪
spook: 幽霊、おばけ;精霊
frown: しかめつらをする、まゆを寄せる
nasty: 不快な、いやな
204 words
Today, I watched "Frozen". The movie was moved me. I shed tears. Elsa queen was looked the monster by a lot of people. Therefore, I felt sad. However, Ana tried to help Elsa, and she helped Elsa at the risk of her life. The movie is like a musical. Ana and Elsa's singing voice is beautiful. I want to watch it again.
62 words
62 words
My hobbies
My hobby is dancing classic ballet. I have gone to classic ballet school since I was three years. Therefore, I love it. I always stretch. Also, I like sopping with my shopping. I also go to downtown with my friends. Then, I try to wear the clothes or shoes. I sometimes search the delicious restaurant. I enjoy that. I want to buy the clothes of Zara.
66 words
66 words
I was very happy today.
I was very happy today. The reason that is I could spend time with my friend. After the class which I had today, I went to downtown, and I could buy a color contact with my friends. Then, we went to the restaurant and ate lunch. We enjoyed chatting and shopping. My friend bought a present for her mother. I admired that. It was rarely for me to spend with my friends, so I could have relaxation.
77 words
77 words
My sister
I introduce my sister. Her appearance is that she has a round face, has a mole center her forehead like the Buddha, has long hair and a little over weight. Her personality is that she is cheerful and kind. Also, she is sometimes obstinate. However, I love her.
48 words
48 words
Today, I woke up at seven. I had my part time job from eight to eleven, so I maked up and went out in a hurry. I did shelf stocking there. Sometimes, I worked as a cashier. After that, I went to KGU, and met Mr. Tomei to be told how to enter the English central. He told me that intelligibly. I understood that well. Then, I went to English lounge to work as the staff. I went to the ballet school. Today's lesson is also hard. I was very tired.
91 words
91 words
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