Today, I went to Joyfull with my friend. He is boy, but he is not boy friend. We talked about club. Both he and I had problems. Therefore, we tried to solve it each other. However, it was not easy for us to solve. We talked about three hours. I couldn't tell all of the problem, we promised that we will talk the continuation of the story. It will do on December 24. I am looking forward to do.
Event 2-November 18
Today, I went to Ouch-cafe to eat lunch. Have you ever been there? The deal is so good! After the second periods, we went there. We were very hungry, so we went running at a dogtrot. Today's menu was curry pilaf or a stuffed cabbage. Therefore, my friend ate curry pilaf, and I ate stuffed cabbage. The stuffed cabbage was soft. Tomato sauce was so match. After that, we also ate pudding. The taste was delicious. If you haven't been there yet, please try to eat deals there.
Event 3-November 19
Today, I joined a club activity, and ate takoyaki with my club friends. We thought out putting in octopuses and other things in takoyaki. Therefore, we bought shrimp, kimuchi, cheese, chocolate and others. After that, we cooked it with everyone. We could enjoy and taste a lot of flavor. We found mochi match with takoyaki. I spent enjoying time.
Event 4-November 20
I met ballet friends after a long time. One friend has gone to ballet school in Russia, and another is teacher of nursery school, the other has gone to same ballet school yet. We become more twenty years old, so we went to izakaya, and drank. We talked about Takako Ballet Studio that our ballet school. We also talked about each boy friends. What we call "girls talk". We enjoyed the time. I want to met them again.
Event 5-November 23
I took TOEIC test. Recently, I havd a lot of things to do. For example, it was homework. Therefore, I couldn't enough study for TOEIC. The test was a little difficult for me. I felt less studying. I have to study harder. I want to become good English speaker.
Event 5-November 23
I took TOEIC test. Recently, I havd a lot of things to do. For example, it was homework. Therefore, I couldn't enough study for TOEIC. The test was a little difficult for me. I felt less studying. I have to study harder. I want to become good English speaker.
Hello Saki --
返信削除Thanks for the recommendation about Ouchi Cafe. I have heard about it from other students and I really want to go there! Please tell me where it is...
The score for this diary homework is 8/10