"Colds aren't so much fun when you're old," ... "When Mr. Putter was a boy, he had almost liked colds."
This story is the series of Mr. Putter & Tabby. Mr. Putter is an old man. Tabby is his cat. One day, Mr. Putter had a cold. Then Mrs. Teaberry who is Mr. Putter's good friend and neighbor called him. After that, she made the chicken soup and peppermint tea with honey stick which is Mr. Putter's favorite food and drink, and her dog Zeke bring it Mr. Putter's house. Also, Zeke bring adventure books. Mr. Putter was glad. He could spent nice day.
miserable: 惨めな、不幸な、あわれな
spoil: (物、事)を台無しにする、だめにする、損なう
come over: やって来る
rub: こする、磨く
lap: ひざ
Thermos: サーモス(魔法瓶の商品名)
purr: (猫がのどを鳴らす)ゴロゴロという音
curled up: (ひからびたりして)端がめくり上がった、丸くなった
stuffy: 風通しの悪い
snuggle: 心地よく横たわる、心地よく体を丸める
243 words
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