Obby is a little strange rabbit. He made his special soup. The color was weird green, but the taste was sweet and delicious. The three boys and a girl was favorite it. Suddenly, a gong pealed. Obby was confused. Finally, His cave was collapsed.
I want to see Obby and to eat the special soup.
poke: <頭など>を[...から]突き出す
paw: (かぎづめのある哺乳類の)足、手
bob: ひょいと動く[揺れる、はねる]
grumpy: 機嫌の悪い、気難しい
surely: きっと、必ず
toadstool: 毒キノコ
poisonous: 有毒な、嫌な、不快な
ladle: 玉しゃくし、ひしゃく、おたま
sip: 少しずつ飲む
grin: にっこりと笑う
firmly: しっかりと
nasty: 不快な、嫌な
tuck: 押し込む、挟み込む
toffee: タフィー<砂糖、バターを煮詰めた菓子>
scuttle: (捕まらないように)急いで走る
grim: 厳格な
248 words
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