
Journal F



              I respect my mother. My mother always give me advises. It is not only gentle words, but also severe words. However, I’m encouraged or comforted by her words.

              When I was elementary school student, I was bullied from two classmates. However, I couldn’t say to my family. My mother noticed that my atmosphere is strange. Therefore, she told me “What’s happen? I heard your conversation.” Therefore, I told my occurrence, and she gave her advice to me “your friends are evil, but you may be evil too. If you think you are not evil, you have to ask that why they bully you.” I act on her advice, and then, my friends said “I’m sorry, I was only teasing.” I thank to my mother, they became one of my best friends again.

 When I was junior high school student, I had a big argument with my classmate. I was told about my friend behind my back. Then, I didn’t want to go to school, so I tried to pretend to be ill. However, my mother didn’t permit to be absent. My mother was angry and said to me “I cannot permit to be absent exclude you have a cold.” In addition, “If you have something which you want to say for your friend, you should say all of things.” “If your friend’s parents join your argument, I would join your argument too.” I was encouraged by her words, and I could say something which I want to say.

For the reason, I want to be a person who notice small changes of others and give some advices whenever others have a trouble. Also I want to be a person who says not only kind words, but also realistic words like my mother.



Thanks to read until last sentsnce!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Your Dad's behavior does seem a little unpleasant. I think it's important to realize that other people don't like to be controlled, and they don't like their Dad getting angry at them a lot. I sometimes do anger management exercises to help me act less angry at home.

    It's important to try to not make other people uncomfortable on trains and buses. However, sometimes Japanese people's need for silence around them surprises me. I think it isn't unusual for people to talk quietly on cell phones on buses in the US, or to listen to iPods. However, loud noise or chatting is certainly unpleasant and thoughtless.

    Journal E = 280+ words = 7 APs!

    Your mother seems to have done a great job as a parent! She told you how to fix your own problems with friends - she didn't fix them for you. This way, she helped you learn to keep friendships alive even when people act unkindly toward you! However, it seems very important that she made you feel she would come in and help you if you needed more support. It's important for kids to feel that they CAN solve problems, but also that parents WILL help if the problem can't be solved alone. Thanks for telling me about your Mom, and how you're trying to become a sensitive, practical help to your friends the same way. Remember to encourage them to solve their problems themselves, but offer to be there if they need help later!

    Journal F = 280+ words = 7 APs!

    Mr. W.
